California Divorce Resources and Professional Directory
The information below is provided as a service to our visitors who are searching for divorce, child custody, and family law resources and professionals in the state of California. To add a professional listing to a state directory click here.
Listings in the Divorce Resource and Professional Directory does not imply an endorsement by this website. Child Custody Coach makes no warranty and assumes no legal liability for any service or provider listed below.
Divorce Attorneys, Family Lawyers & Law Firms
Stacy D. Phillips Phillips, Lerner, Lauzon & Jamra LLP
2029 Century Park East, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: (310) 277-7117
Fax: (310) 277-0971
Website: http://www.plljlaw.com/
Phillips, Lerner, Lauzon & Jamra, LLP, is a full service family law firm in Los Angeles, California that provides services in all matters as they relate to family law issues and disputes. Founded in the mid-90s, the firm is reputed to be one of the top family law firms in the country.
Law Offices of Christina Shaffer
3075 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
Phone: (805) 777-1112
Website: http://www.cshafferlaw.com/
Christina Shaffer represents clients in family law matters such as divorce, legal separation, domestic partnerships, child custody and visitation, child support issues, alimony and spousal support, prenuptial agreements, and postnuptial agreements. Christina Shaffer provides affordable family law representation and promotes settlement negotiations whenever possible. Christina Shaffer's strives for 100% client satisfaction and to make each client feel like the only client through her personal approach.
Natt Portugal Portugal Law Office a Professional Corporation
2029 Century Park East, Suite 1400
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: (310) 867-2724
Fax: (310) 867-2725
Website: http://www.portugallawfirm.com/
Natt Portugal is an attorney who has more than 20 years of experience representing plaintiffs and defendants. He has an extensive background in family law, medical and legal malpractice cases, product liability, sports injury, and employment law. Natt Portugal specializes in resolving family law matters and is co-founder of ARC's Cooperative Divorce Center. Natt Portugal understands litigation from a trial attorney's perspective, having worked in law firms and as a sole practitioner.
Stephen C. Hosford Hosford & Hosford, Inc.
335 Centennial Way, Suite 200
Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: (714) 730-8202
Fax: (714) 730-1959
Website: http://www.custodypros.com/
Hosford & Hosford, Inc. treats every client accordingly with respect and non-judgmental representation, regardless of the accusations or evidence against them. Presenting the strongest possible case in court and protecting the client's rights throughout are our primary aims on every case we take.
Law Offices of Donald P. Bebereia
25231 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 120
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Phone: (949) 951-8822
Fax: (949) 951-1006
Website: http://www.dpbfamlaw.com/
Donald P. Bebereia is a Certified Family Law Specialist focusing his practice exclusively on family law. Donald P. Bebereia has been dedicated to providing the residents of Orange County and surrounding communities with high-quality legal services for over 29 years.
OPTIMAL Software - Parenting Time .net
Website: OPTIMAL Software
OPTIMAL is an online custody calendar that allows you to easily schedule and track parenting time as well as monitor compliance with your custody arrangement. Often just monitoring compliance is enough to cause a change for the better.
Therapists and Counselors
Mark Brenner, MFCC & Play Therapist
13333 Ventura Boulavard
Sherman Oakes, California 91423
Phone: (818) 986-2500
Fax: (818) 986-3636
Website: http://www.parentfitness.com/
Mark L. Brenner, lectures and writes on a wide range of behavioral subjects. He has been a licensed marriage, family and child therapist for more than 20 years and has gained much recognition for his specialty as a Child Therapist.
Mediators and Arbitrators
Gerald F. Phillips, Attorney at Law, Mediator, Arbitrator
2029 Century Park East, Suite 1200
Los Angeles, California 90067
Phone: (310) 277-7117
Fax: (310) 286-9182
Website: http://www.plljlaw.com/
Distinguished, accomplished and skilled, Gerald F. Phillips is regarded as one of the most experienced attorneys in mediation and arbitration in the country and is best known for his work within the entertainment industry, a medium where he has spent nearly 40 years.
Expert Witnesses and Consultants
Dean Tong, Forensic Consultant
10246 Hunters Haven Boulevard
Riverview, Florida 33569
Phone: 813-671-4190
Website: http://www.abuse-excuse.com/
ABUSE-EXCUSE.COM provides resource information and more to parents and others unjustly accused of child abuse, physical child abuse (including Shaken Baby Syndrome), child neglect, sexual child abuse, child pornography via the Internet, "repressed" memories, sexual harassment, PAS, SAID, or domestic violence (spousal abuse).
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"I have perused Steve Carlson's E-Book "How to Win Child Custody." It is well-written, timely and chock-full of great information for everyone from the lay child custody litigant, to pro se'er, to experienced attorney and to parenting coordinator. While it is mainly geared toward California law much of Steve's advice does apply to all 50 states. I highly recommend it. Too bad it wasn't written 20 years ago when I was going through my own contentious custody battle."
Dean Tong, MSc., Forensic Trial Consultant Abuse-Excuse.com
"When traveling the rapids of family law court, educating yourself is the best strategy available. How to Win Custody will enhance a positive outcome in a family law child custody case. This practical guide is loaded with valuable information that anyone involved in family law court needs. How to Win Custody will save money and more importantly help parents achieve their goal of how to successfully share their children."
Jayne A. Major, Ph.D., Parenting Education Expert, Published Author Breakthrough Parenting Services, Inc.
"A practical, up-to-date resource for divorced parents who want to remain actively involved in their children's lives. Fathers and
daughters will inevitably benefit from Mr. Carlson's clear headed,
insightful guidebook."
Dr. Linda Nielsen, Professor of Women's Studies and Adolescent Psychology at Wake Forest University
"The 'How to Win Child Custody' book by Steven Carlson is an excellent, practical guide to divorce and custody issues that would serve any parent well. Affordable and well-written, it would be a valuable tool at twice the price. 'Highly Recommended'"
SPARC - Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center DeltaBravo.net
"I've spent tens of thousands on attorneys but Steven Carlson 'The Custody Coach' is the best money I have spent since my divorce began. The knowledge and insight he has is priceless. The advice and direction he gave me was invaluable."
Dennis Hearne - Oak Hills, CA
"I didn't know how valuable your services would prove to be for me not only emotionally but also in helping me turn my case around. I am now enjoying 50% custody of my daughter on an every other week basis."
Eric - Los Angeles, CA
"Child Custody Coach's services far exceeded my expectations! With Steve's help, I managed to get 40% time share with my young 14-month old son despite a long distance between residences. I definitely could not have done it without Steve's help..."
Brad - Huntington Beach, CA
"I found Steve on the internet, and luckily for me, he was local, as I live in Southern California. I hired Steve, and through his recommendations I immediately saw results...with his coaching he really helped to make a difference in my case. I highly recommend his services to any Dad who feels he is getting the short end of the stick when it comes to divorce and custody."
MB - Irvine, CA
"Child Custody Coach is a must read for any parent involved in a divorce involving children...I found the information about attorneys to be very enlightening and have found thru very painful and expensive experience all this to be so true. If you ever felt your attorney was not telling you the "whole" story, Steven will enlighten you...I have found Steven's coaching and knowledge of the legal system to be invaluable..."
Kathie Lustig - OR
"...I can't tell you enough how a phone call by a person that isn't a Lawyer can help so much by giving common sense advice as well as how to make a plan of action and follow through with it. If I ever have any friends in my position, and I hope I don't Steven is the one I will put them in touch with, even before an attorney."
Richard J. Smith - OH