Child Custody Coach® provides a proven coaching service designed to increase your knowledge and understanding of your child custody situation and to help elicit practical child custody solutions and strategies from you based on your specific need. The goal of the coaching sessions is for you to gain practical information and strategies making you more resourceful and creative and enhance your performance and reduce your attorney fees as you move forward with your child custody case.
All coaching formats or packages below are confidential, client-focused, client-driven and are customized to meet your specific needs. Several coaching packages are provided so the fees for coaching can be affordable. Some cases may require topics from all areas of coaching, such as child custody issues, 730 child custody evaluation, Breakthrough Parenting® skills, attorney fees and/or fee arbitration. Your specific needs will drive the focus of the coaching sessions.
"I didn't know how valuable your services would prove to be for me not only emotionally but also in helping me turn my case around. I am now enjoying 50% custody of my daughter on an every other week basis." Eric - Los Angeles, CA
Phone Coaching Format
The phone coaching sessions are designed so you can have a fast, efficient, and economical way of scheduling a coaching session to discuss your child custody matter via telephone in the comfort of your own home. Phone coaching is flexible and allows you the opportunity to request an appointment before work, after work, or on a weekend at a time that is convenient for you. The phone coaching session can often be scheduled and take place the same day payment is made and forms are received for those seeking immediate coaching.
In-Person Coaching Format
The in-person coaching sessions are designed for parents who prefer face-to-face meetings and who are able to travel to the South Orange County area. Southern California residents in Orange County, Los Angeles, Ventura, Long Beach, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego will often have interest in meeting with me in person. Now you can! In-person coaching sessions are held in the Mission Viejo area and Costa Mesa area in Orange County California and are available to any person willing to travel into one of these two locations.
2-Hour In-Person Coaching Session
4-Hour In-Person Coaching Session
Full-Day In-Person Coaching Session
Click Here for Fee List >>
Monthly Coaching Packages
Monthly coaching is designed to provide ongoing coaching and support throughout the month and provides for an economical way of receiving such support. Fees are known up front so there are no surprises. This also allows you to choose the plan that is right for you and also works within your budget. Weekly coaching sessions and email communications allow you to discuss your child custody matters, developments, and results regularly throughout the month. The goal of monthly coaching is to help elicit practical child custody solutions and strategies from you based on your specific needs and help you gain practical information throughout the month making you more resourceful and creative and enhance your performance as you move forward with your child custody case.
Basic Coaching Package: Four 30 minute coaching sessions per month
Intensive Coaching Package: Four 60 minute coaching sessions per month
Click Here for Fee List >>
If you have a case pending or see yourself headed down the path of litigation, a child custody evaluation, and/or arbitration, let's talk. You can schedule a coaching session with me to discuss your specific situation in detail. Look forward to speaking and working with you.
Child Custody Coach®
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